Event Calendar
December 2024
Your past is just a story
...the future is unwritten
Forget the past, it is gone
The past is a story we tell ourselves...
Don't think about the past
Be Here Now
We celebrate the past to awaken the future.
We are made of the stars.
Russell Eponym | 11am on SiLi
Starfleet Boogie | Noon on Starfleet Infinity
Bunny Club | 1pm on Sirocco
USS Einstein mission | 12noon on Starfleet Infinity
No scheduled events
USS Shogun mission | 12noon on Starfleet Infinity
Joao Frazao | 2pm on Khamsin
DJ Mick | 6pm at Peapod
No scheduled events
Peregrine | Noon at Starfleet Infinity /SL
Celtic Capers/Beach Party | 2pm, Peapod
No scheduled events
Starfleet Boogie | Noon on Starfleet Infinity
Bunny Club | 1pm on Sirocco
USS Einstein mission | 12noon on Starfleet Infinity
No scheduled events
USS Shogun mission | 12noon on Starfleet Infinity
Joao Frazao | 2pm on Khamsin
DJ Enigma | 6pm at ROBs
Khiron Ametza | 1pm on Starfleet Infinity
Peregrine | Noon at Starfleet Infinity /SL
Rosy O'Grady | 1pm, New Serenity
Celtic Capers/Beach Party | 2pm, Peapod
Community Meeting | Noon, Sirocco
Starfleet Boogie | Noon on Starfleet Infinity
Bunny Club | 1pm on Sirocco
USS Einstein mission | 12noon on Starfleet Infinity
No scheduled events
USS Shogun mission | 12noon on Starfleet Infinity
Joao Frazao | 2pm on Khamsin
DJ Mick | 6pm at Peapod
No scheduled events
Celtic Capers/Beach Party | 2pm, Peapod
No scheduled events
Christmas Party | Noon on Anubis
No scheduled events
No scheduled events
No scheduled events
No scheduled events
No scheduled events
No scheduled events
Starfleet Boogie | Noon on Starfleet Infinity
Bunny Club | 1pm on Sirocco
No scheduled events
No scheduled events
3rd Wind is on ZetaWorlds with a branch in Second Life